Thursday, January 8, 2009


About 3 months ago we got a puppy from our friends.  His name is Cruz, he is half lab, half golden retriever.  We needed a playmate for our other dog Bradley (he's a beagle).   Anyway, he is a great puppy, very easy and obedient.  He likes to follow us around and know what's going on all the time.  Whenever I get on the computer he usually comes and sits on the floor right next to me.  Well yesterday he did the same but seemed to be very anxious.  I started working on the computer and looked over at him a little while later and he had moved just a little bit closer to the door.  I didn't think anything of it and started on the computer again.  A few seconds later I looked over at him and again he had moved closer to the door.  So I decided to look preoccupied, but watch him out of the corner of my eye.  I found him crawling over to the door.  It was hilarious.  As soon as he saw me look at him he stopped.  OK, he is just a little too smart!!!!!


  1. Aaaaawwwww, he reminds me of Bo! Don't show my kids, they'll be ticked.

  2. You can't hide that from me mom! Hey, this is Alex. Tell Bailey I said hi and that I love her dress. I wore mine just last Sunday to church. I love it!
